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Download: July 2024 Newsletter Pupil Voice July Newsletter Drama, art, music sessions Ffit Conwy - Summer Activities Weekly Planner 8th July Playing Out Summer 2024 Pupil Voice Newsletter 2 Pupil Voice Newsletter 1 End of half term update May 2024 Weekly Planner 20th May Weekly Planner 13th May Weekly Planner 6th May Weekly Planner 22nd April Weekly Planner 15th April Topic LS - Summer 2024 Homework LS - Class Cafe - Marvellous Me! 2024 Homework US - The Tudors 2024 Topic US - Summer 2024 End of half term update March 2024 Weekly Planner 18th March Weekly Planner 11th March Please find attached the Weekly Planner for next week. I'd be ever so grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete the parent/Guardian Survey by clicking on the link below. It is really important for us to know what we are doing well as a school and where we may need to make some changes. phzcD2HDOANTEiU4dFaHQVbYftsKg/viewform?usp=sharing Parent Governor Vacancy - Feb 2024 Weekly Planner 26th February Pupil Voice Newsletters Feb Weekly Planner 19th February End of half term update February 2024 Weekly Planner 5th February Our Criw Cymraeg have done a podcast, please click on the link below to hear what they have to say �� Weekly Planner 29th January Weekly Planner 22nd January Inclement / Extreme Weather Information Weekly Planner 15th January Topic LS - Spring 2024 Homework LS - Coast & Country 2024 Homework US - Survival Island 2024 Topic US - Spring 2024 Please find attached a poster advertising an upcoming local course linked with the Dinorben Family Centre. The main themes within the programme include empathy, self-awareness, appropriate expectations and positive discipline. Year 5 and 6 Intensive Swimming Sessions XPlore Christmas Opening XPlore New Years Eve Party Weekly Planner 8th January End of half term update December 2023 Weekly Planner 18th December Weekly Planner 11th December Weekly Planner 4th December Weekly Planner 27th November Children in Need Fundraising End of half term update October 2023 November Newsletter 2023 STAND Leaflet Harvest Flyer Parent/Guardian Evening - Autumn 2023 Parent Governor Vacancy - October 2023 Shwmae Day - 16th October Please find the attached flier regarding our Parent & Guardian Pop In! next Friday morning at 9.00 am. Please note that this has been moved on from next Tuesday due to the changes in schooling recently. Please find attached a copy of your child's Homework. Teachers will be going through this with the children next week and copy will also be posted on Google Classroom or sent home in a book. Please do contact your child's teacher if you have any questions at all. Homework should be an enjoyable extra to enhance the learning and not a source of worry or frustration �� Upper School: Cosmic Lower School: Rise of the Robots! I have also attached information regarding support service children in education. Please have a read and get in touch if this applies to your family. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming all children back to school on Monday. Main Dates September 2023 Timetable for Canolfan Dinorben Autumn I hope you and your families are well and enjoying this beautiful weather �� Please find the letter attached. We are very proud of the care and education we offer here at Ysgol Maes Owen. We were inspected in June this year and feel very proud of the findings. The full report can be found by following this link: Inspection report Ysgol Maes Owen 2023 ( Year 6 Transition Information
Ysgol Maes Owen © 2024 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
Contact / Cysylltu
Ysgol Maes Owen Morfa Avenue, Kinmel Bay, Conwy LL18 5LE.
01745 353721

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Download: July 2024 Newsletter Pupil Voice July Newsletter Drama, art, music sessions Ffit Conwy - Summer Activities Weekly Planner 8th July Playing Out Summer 2024 Pupil Voice Newsletter 2 Pupil Voice Newsletter 1 End of half term update May 2024 Weekly Planner 20th May Weekly Planner 13th May Weekly Planner 6th May Weekly Planner 22nd April Weekly Planner 15th April Topic LS - Summer 2024 Homework LS - Class Cafe - Marvellous Me! 2024 Homework US - The Tudors 2024 Topic US - Summer 2024 End of half term update March 2024 Weekly Planner 18th March Weekly Planner 11th March Please find attached the Weekly Planner for next week. I'd be ever so grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete the parent/Guardian Survey by clicking on the link below. It is really important for us to know what we are doing well as a school and where we may need to make some changes. FAIpQLSeckQ_xw1wmRoiCAO9Ayphzc D2HDOANTEiU4dFaHQVbYftsKg/viewf orm?usp=sharing Parent Governor Vacancy - Feb 2024 Weekly Planner 26th February Pupil Voice Newsletters Feb Weekly Planner 19th February End of half term update February 2024 Weekly Planner 5th February Our Criw Cymraeg have done a podcast, please click on the link below to hear what they have to say �� 9wt8VFJZeVzDORyaL Weekly Planner 29th January Weekly Planner 22nd January Inclement / Extreme Weather Information Weekly Planner 15th January Topic LS - Spring 2024 Homework LS - Coast & Country 2024 Homework US - Survival Island 2024 Topic US - Spring 2024 Please find attached a poster advertising an upcoming local course linked with the Dinorben Family Centre. The main themes within the programme include empathy, self-awareness, appropriate expectations and positive discipline. Year 5 and 6 Intensive Swimming Sessions XPlore Christmas Opening XPlore New Years Eve Party Weekly Planner 8th January End of half term update December 2023 Weekly Planner 18th December Weekly Planner 11th December Weekly Planner 4th December Weekly Planner 27th November Children in Need Fundraising End of half term update October 2023 November Newsletter 2023 STAND Leaflet Harvest Flyer Parent/Guardian Evening - Autumn 2023 Parent Governor Vacancy - October 2023 Shwmae Day - 16th October Please find the attached flier regarding our Parent & Guardian Pop In! next Friday morning at 9.00 am. Please note that this has been moved on from next Tuesday due to the changes in schooling recently. Please find attached a copy of your child's Homework. Teachers will be going through this with the children next week and copy will also be posted on Google Classroom or sent home in a book. Please do contact your child's teacher if you have any questions at all. Homework should be an enjoyable extra to enhance the learning and not a source of worry or frustration �� Upper School: Cosmic Lower School: Rise of the Robots! I have also attached information regarding support service children in education. Please have a read and get in touch if this applies to your family. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming all children back to school on Monday. Main Dates September 2023 Timetable for Canolfan Dinorben Autumn I hope you and your families are well and enjoying this beautiful weather �� Please find the letter attached. We are very proud of the care and education we offer here at Ysgol Maes Owen. We were inspected in June this year and feel very proud of the findings. The full report can be found by following this link: Inspection report Ysgol Maes Owen 2023 ( Year 6 Transition Information
Contact / Cysylltu
Ysgol Maes Owen Morfa Avenue, Kinmel Bay, Conwy LL18 5LE.
01745 353721
Ysgol Maes Owen © 2024 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs